Emissions, energy efficiency and more at 10th IPTA Conference
Back to newsArdmore’s Mark Cameron played a leading role in this year’s 10th Chemical & Product Tanker Conference, which took place last week in London.
Organised by the International Parcel Tanker Association (IPTA), this year’s event spanned a diverse range of issues, from regulatory compliance to energy efficiency, and from the tanker market outlook to anti-corruption practices. The agenda was led by the twin topics of the IMO 2020 sulphur cap and the challenge of curbing shipping’s greenhouse gas emissions.
As IPTA Chairman, Mark introduced IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim, who opened the conference and shared the IMO’s thinking on how shipping can meet its GHG reduction targets, Mark also took part in a panel discussion on what these emissions targets means for the specialist tanker sector.
IPTA is an international representative body for ship owners around the world operating IMO classified chemical and product tankers and has consultative status as a Non-Governmental Organisation to the IMO.