Ardmore speak at Tanker Shipping & Trade 2014 Conference

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Mark Cameron, Ardmore Shipping’s COO, was among the speakers at this year’s Tanker Shipping & Trade Conference.

Kicking off the second day of the Conference, Mark delivered a presentation that provided an owner’s insight into the ‘eco-ship’ debate.  Drawing on Ardmore’s own experience with the SkySails Performance Manager system, Mark provided an insight into Ardmore’s approach to measuring vessel performance and using accurate, timely performance data to optimise an entire voyage.

As Mark remarked during his presentation:

“Our goal is voyage optimisation.  We instantaneously measure a huge amount of data, including wave height and direction, wind strength and direction, and currents.  This information is critical, as vessel performance in bad weather conditions is when the most amount of fuel can be saved.”

Mark went on to explain Ardmore’s commitment to data transparency, which includes sharing vessel performance data with charterers and crew, working together with the charterer to manage the whole voyage, and giving the team onboard the authority and confidence to act upon the real-time performance data now available to them.

“We want to inspire excellence among the team responsible for ship performance.  This means not only providing the crew with the data that they need to make smart, fast decisions in order to optimise their voyage, but also empowering them to do so.  We don’t expect them to wait for instructions before making decisions on speed vs. fuel consumption.”